Discipline and Guidance Policy
Problems are avoided through the use of defined and understood limits, engaging and age-appropriate curriculum, and daily routine. When the need for discipline does arise, we often personalize the method, allowing us to meet the needs of each individual child. One of the benefits of building strong relationships between center staff, children, and parents is the ability to individualize our discipline strategies.
What children believe about themselves is largely based on the way they are treated by the important adults in their lives. Because of this fact, we approach discipline in a positive manner that encourages compassion, self-control, self-discipline, and a positive self-concept. Natural and logical consequences are the basis of our discipline tactics. Natural consequences occur as the direct result of an action. Logical consequences make sense and are related to the action.
With younger children we rely on redirection and distraction while demonstrating and gently guiding appropriate behavior.
The following types of discipline are prohibited:
- Corporal punishment/ threats of corporal punishment, or physical punishment of any kind
- Punishment associated with food, naps, outside time or toilet training
- Putting anything in or on a child’s mouth
- Humiliation, rejection, ridicule, or yelling. Harsh or profane language of any sort is prohibited
- Placing a child out of sight of caregiver: closets, hallways, bathrooms etc.
- Requiring silence or inactivity for time periods inappropriate to child’s age.
Maintaining Continuity for Children and Families Policy

When you enroll at Advantage Early Learning Centers, we are committing to do our best to ensure a positive, enriching experience for your family. Although rare, and only after we’ve exhausted all options, we may have no choice but to exclude a child or family temporarily or permanently. Note: Our staff members are knowledgeable and trained to recognize the difference between normal and abnormal developmental behaviors, and would discuss with director and parents before any permanent decisions would be made regarding exclusion.
Some of the reasons we may exclude a child or family are:
- Child is at risk of causing serious injury to self or others, uncontrollable outbursts of anger or rage, and/or verbal or physical abuse of others
- Parent is physically or verbally threatening or intimidating staff, children, visitors, or other parents
- Failure to pay tuition/fees or continual late/declined payment
- Repeated failure to notify staff that parent or other is picking up at school, and child will not ride yellow bus or Advantage bus back to center
- Continual late pick up- arriving at the center after closing time
Before excluding a child from our care, we have several proactive steps in place:
- Staff will reassess program and environment to determine if there may be a contributing factor.
- Staff will continue to use positive discipline and language, logical and natural consequences when appropriate, and model appropriate behavior at all times.
- Staff will document consistently disruptive behavior, to be kept confidential and shared only with parents and director.
- Parents will be notified verbally and given copies of incident/accident reports and behavior logs.
- Parents, director, and involved staff will work together to develop and individualized plan and strategies to promote positive interactions and behaviors. Parents will also be provided with community resources and/or referrals.
- If significant progress does not occur, child will be excluded for a determined amount of time. We will attempt to give enough notice so family can find alternative care but this will depend on the circumstances.
- Parents will be informed of the exclusion, length of time, and expected behavior changes before returning at an established time.
- When the established time and behavior changes have occurred, child may return. Failure to satisfy the terms of the plan may result in permanent expulsion.
The following actions will not result in retaliatory exclusion:
- Making a complaint to licensing agency
- Report of suspected abuse or neglect occurring at facility